Ahoy Me Hearties– Are Ye Ready for ‘alloween?  The scallywag Cap’n Catalpa and his Buccaneers have descended on Andersonville after pillaging villages throughout the Michigan sea.   The tale has it that these pirates be dead and cursed from a treasure deep within in the belly of their ship, The Skull of the Sea.  Mutiny abounds!  Beware! And fair winds my friends for those who dare enter thar Skull risk a flogging, or worse, walking thar plank as shark bait!  Yet, with great risk comes great reward, the lily-livered will never know what treasure be there’s… Yo ho ho…Come see it for yer’self….  Shiver-me-Timbers!
Approximently 1,000 people came aboard the Skull of the Sea ship, carefully entered their doom as they tried to find the Captain's gold and escape alive!  Anyone that tried was given one gold coin...  chocolate of course :)  Afterwards they were sent to walk the plank and have their photos taken.
This was the Deadman's Saloon where the kids would hear the tale of Captain Catalpa and learn where they could find his treasure below.
Thanks to all the volunteers that made this non for profit event possible.
Carnevil - we'll thrill you to death!
Andersonville's CARNEVIL was the scariest theme we ever produced.  Eerie carnival music was broadcast to the streets to lure unsuspecting victims to our Big Top event.  After waiting in line they would hand their ticket to the fortune teller inside as they waited for their doom.  The sinister gypsy would tell them of a very scary future they were about to partake, before heading down to the dungeon below the big top.  Surviving victims of the haunted house were then treated to cotton candy on their way out.
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